Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent hendrerit ut enim nec cursus. Vivamus erat ante, pellentesque tempus auctor in, luctus sed lectus. Integer feugiat placerat faucibus. Donec finibus, dui vel maximus porttitor, lacus orci ultricies dolor, eu tempus leo lacus id odio. Sed facilisis, arcu et posuere imperdiet, eros elit hendrerit ex, id lobortis felis sapien eget felis. Curabitur eu tincidunt libero, eget ultricies ligula. Donec in iaculis nisl. Mauris condimentum, est malesuada feugiat vestibulum, nisl tellus ornare sem, ut feugiat elit dui sed justo. Quisque tempor, nulla vitae vehicula sodales, nisi libero tincidunt felis, id sodales ipsum enim non ante. Mauris convallis dolor vel sem scelerisque, id interdum nisi suscipit. Suspendisse pretium libero lectus, sit amet cursus ante aliquet bibendum.
Mercedes is a 27-year-old thoroughbred mare that presented with a painful left eye. After the initial examination, her eye was treated daily at home with ophthalmic ointment, but over the next several days it became significantly more painful and cloudy. Upon recheck, it was clear that she had developed a... View Case
Sundance is a 17-year-old Quarter horse gelding who became acutely lame on his right front leg the end of March 2015. Due to the sudden onset of the lameness and his reluctance to put his heel down he was treated for a foot abscess. For over a week his foot was soaked in warm water and Epsom salts and his foot... View Case
The owner of a 10 year old performance horse noticed behavioral changes in her mare including a cranky attitude when tacking up as well as pinning her ears when tightening up her girth and when trying to get on at the mounting block. The mare was also increasingly irritated with palpating of her back. Upon... View Case