Your horse will need a current (within the past 12 month) Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) / Coggins Test.
Performance Equine Vet Services is going digital! Our Coggins will be e-filed, so we can email your Coggins directly to you. This enables you to easily save and share your Coggins. To help us get started, take 3 photos of your horse (not to exceed 1MG/photo): left view, right view, and front view. Clearly label each view and add your horse’s name as you want it to appear on your Coggins. For example: Left View.Apache, Right View.Apache, Front View.Apache. Then email your photos to us:
You will also need Proof of Vaccinations. As of December 1, 2015, all horses entering grounds of a USEF licensed competition must be accompanied with documentation of Equine Herpes Virus and Equine Influenza Virus vaccinations within the past 6 months.
Are you traveling out-of-state? You will need a Health Certificate. Health Certificates are good for 30 days.
Have a great show season!